In Game Name: argonFiles
Age: 13
Time Zone: Eastern Standard
Strengths: Honesty, leadership, and the huge one: conflict resolution. I've been consistently practicing this in real life and I think I can bring it to the game world just as easily. I'm quite adept at this, and would like to see my skills put in use! I can also help new players, too, and on top of this I'm quite good at diplomacy and working out problems. I'm also a good listener. I'm fully ready to take on any responsibilities that come with being staff.
Weaknesses: I lash out sometimes, it's also hard to cope with bad moods after a long day :/ Also my low age may come as a turn off and this is understandable! I also don't have skype or teamspeak but I do have Steam and this can work just as well. I might go a bit too far with the banter sometimes as well. I'm working on this as I dont want to be a turnoff to new players.
Why you are Applying: Because I've played here for a while, this server has a huge sentimental attachment as well as being the only server I've actually played on for over a year. It's been really fun and I've decided that I want to help as much as I can. I've started doing this by cleaning spawn up on the 1.8 server
Time Played on CraftyMynes (ticks): 13.4 million
Custom Note (optional): My mental maturity is far greater than the numbers assigned