ArgonFiles' Staff Application (1.8, revised)

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by argonFiles

    In Game Name: argonFiles

    Age: 13

    Time Zone: EST

    Strengths: I'm friendly, a good leader, good at helping others, and I excel at conflict resolution. I've been quite friendly to new players on 1.8 and have taken time out of my day to help clean up spawn, making it look nice. I'm decent at pvp and I'm also a good rule enforcer. (I'm also good at writing)

    Weaknesses: I tend to be a bit too bantery sometimes and I can be put on edge pretty easy too. I don't have skype or ts but I have Steam and it seems to work well enough.

    Why you are Applying: Ever since the 1.8 server split apart from the 1.9 server I've had the most playtime here and therefore the most opportunity to clean spawn as well as help new players. I don't want to be staff on the 1.9 server, I just want to be staff on 1.8. I'm basically the only person on half the time and want to help run it and make it a friendly place for new players, because staff barely ever come to 1.8 anyways. That way there's always someone monitoring it.

    Time Played on CraftyMynes (ticks): 15.97 million
    Custom Note (optional): Due to my low age it might be a turnoff to some people, but I can prove that I'm responsible and willing to take on any staff duties that may arise. that's all.

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