Ban appeal - Tomm3

  1. 8 years ago

    Hey! I am Tomm3. I recently got banned for hacking. I admit. I was actually hacking. I used a fly hack to move from destination to destination faster. I flew from cords to cords.
    I was an active player. I voted and played on the server everyday. I really enjoy playing on the server and I love the community there. I would be more than thankful to be able to play on it again. I am sorry for hacking. If I ever get unbanned, I'll never hack again. I knew what I did was wrong, I just wasn't aware of the consequences. I am sorry. Thank you for your time.

  2. Edited 8 years ago by CreeperLord170

    Hello I am the moderator who banned you. I'm glad to know that you regret what you did and thanks for your previous support to CraftyMynes.

    Any form of cheating will not be tolerated - This means anything that gives you an unfair advantage over players who are playing the game the way the game was intended to be played

    As the rules mentioned, no matter you are an old player or new, "flying from coords to coords" or flying really fast in the end sreaching for end cities and killing shulkers, your account will be banned from the server permanently. Appeal denied. Good luck elsewhere and have a happy year of the Rooster.

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