Edited 7 years ago by Chilled_Chaos

So. Recently I moved base locations after I realised that my base was too close to rtp range. I was too stupid to know that earlier... Anyways, I would like to share screenshots of my new base that I have been working on. It's a treehouse. It's not that big, but it's not bad in my opinion. It's going to get bigger and better eventually. Also, I couldn't have found this sweet base location without the help of just_a_penguin. I literally owe them a lot.
So here it goes! All opinions and pov's are to be respected. Also... Please I'm sorry forgive me if you think I put up way to many pictures just let me know don't shout at me this is my first time uploading screenshots.


First off, the whole base taken from on top of another tree.

At night it looks cooler.

Then we get closer.

You see what I did there? I used the half spiral staircase, half ladder design. I reckon it looks nice. :D

View from the spiral staircase.

Left side has a beautiful view of the jungle!

Right side leads to the second platform!

Just has some of my crops and stuff for now.

Let's go up to the third floor!

Not much up here. This is just where I keep most of my chests and store most of my stuff. Other than the view!

I get to watch the sunrise and sunset everyday. Here's whats in some of the chests! Also will someone please explain where this hot cookie thing is from? A random guy just gave it to me.

I found a jungle temple recently, took it down like I do with all the other temples I find. And this is what I got. And no. I didn't get 64 iron from it. :D




I still remember the days that I thought plain biome was the best biome to build a base in... lol... that guy, was a nub. This guy... is still a nub... but knows more... stuff?

Anyways... tell me what you thought of it everyone. All opinions are respected. And again, I have no idea if this is way too many pictures or not.
