In Game Name: BluePlauge

Age: 27

Time Zone: Eastern Standard

Strengths: I know the game very well, for the first few years playing I just played solo/realm worlds and followed the wiki for recipes, updates etc. I love helping people, whether it is answering a question in chat for another player, gather resources, reminding players of rules when staff are not on or just having a fun time goofing around. I am a quick learner, have a decent computer capable of recording in game and again, just generally enjoy helping people so they can have a better time. I am not sure what most staff members hours look like, but I work nights. I work four ten hour shifts and I'm off the rest of the week with nothing to do all night but play on my computer, so why not help the server out too.

Weaknesses: I am not a particularly skilled builder, don't get me wrong I can build but its usually semi-basic looking. I am new to PVP but have gotten marginally better over my time here on the server. Memes, major weakness. Thought they were a phase so I ignored them for years... big regret.

Why you are Applying: Some of my best experiences on the server have been directly because of the staff and their involvement. Cepheid helping me recover my gear after my first try at a water temple, or Nysic just hanging around dropping bunny bombs and even 2Chill simply asking if I want to hang out on TS. These are all things that were a huge part of me falling in love with Craftymynes and I would like the opportunity to brighten someone else's day. As well I feel that as a Helper I would be taken more seriously when offering help, many people are still nervous to accept help from strangers. I do know that as a Helper you get no "powers" but having the color of a staff member, I feel, can still calm a nervous nub so they may be more accepting.

Time Played on CraftyMynes (ticks): I had to dig through logs, but as of Oct 22/17 I had 7009784 on the old map, and currently I have 4938023 for a total of 11947807

Custom Note (optional): I really do love this server. I enjoy playing with such amazing members and superb staff, I'd like to help in keeping Craftymynes a place where everyone feels welcome and enjoy the game to the fullest. Even if you don't think I am ready for staff, I'm going to be around for a long time, I'm going to keep donating and try, try again to help keep this server #1 in all our hearts. *fingers crossed*