In Game Name: _Yul
Age: 24
Time Zone: GMT

I have read the rules on many occasions and always mention in chat to warn other players when I notice them breaking the rules. I also understand why these rules have been implemented and I generally agree chat on the server should be kept to Minecraft only. I have played Minecraft for the last 6 years and I am proud saying I am an efficient and skilful builder when working on medieval designs. I enjoy helping other players with their own builds and have frequently been asked to help with getting the correct look and style. I am a generous and helpful player and always aim to help new players with advice or extra resources to help them on their way.


In the past I have contributed to controversial chat topics without directly breaking the rules. I understand this is not appreciated by staff and I am now keeping way out of any topics that breach any rules.

I can sometimes have too much empathy.

Why you are Applying:

I have been across many servers searching for the right community. Finding CM was perfect for me and after gaining years of Minecraft experience I’d like to try my hand at a Helper role. I have always reported rule breakers through the serverplz command in the past and would like to contribute further by keeping the server chat calm and relaxed, and safe for all. I am also in a British time zone and often find there are no staff available during my playing hours.

Time Played on CraftyMynes (ticks): 26208748 (at time of application)

Custom Note (optional):

Thanks for the fun times so far. Hope the server is here forever.