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There's Something In The Air...

  1. 4 years ago
    Edited 4 years ago by onionpaste

    @ImKopi That's great for you- I can't play at end of work day, so shouldn't we accommodate for me? No, because it's a 24/7 server. If someone works 2nd or 3rd shift, they won't be available when you are. I get it's not your ideal situation, but like you said- can't please everyone. Crafty set the time. It's his server.

    I'm not saying we should please individual players, I'm saying we should reset during peak hours because that's statistically when the most number of players will be available. It's not a question of you or me, it's for the majority :P

    @CraftyMyner Usually, if we don't update right away its followed closely by a bunch of people wondering whey their client isn't working and all the new players we miss by staying back in this critical time. Mojang made it public they would be releasing on the 23rd so there was lots of warning.

    @CraftyMyner If you have access to the server statistics/logs, could you tell us when the peak hours most commonly are? From my experience, the most number of players are on in evening EST, but I would like confirmation. If you can calculate the peak hours, then you should schedule the reset for those.

    By the way, I appreciate you hosting a poll for this, but a few things I noticed are that people who are currently busy can't fill out the poll, and these are probably the same people who can't hop on in half an hour for the reset. Also, if you split up the vote between 11 options then the current option (8 AM PST) is obviously way more likely to get the most number of votes.

    I appreciate you coming to the community about this. Instead of a poll, which could be biased, could you just calculate whenever the peak hours are and reset according to that? Thank you! :)

  2. @onionpaste I'm not saying we should please individual players, I'm saying we should reset during peak hours because that's statistically when the most number of players will be available. It's not a question of you or me, it's for the majority :P

    @CraftyMyner If you have access to the server statistics/logs, could you tell us when the peak hours most commonly are? From my experience, the most number of players are on in evening EST, but I would like confirmation. If you can calculate the peak hours, then you should schedule the reset for those.

    By the way, I appreciate you hosting a poll for this, but a few things I noticed are that people who are currently busy can't fill out the poll, and these are probably the same people who can't hop on in half an hour for the reset. Also, if you split up the vote between 11 options then the current option (8 AM PST) is obviously way more likely to get the most number of votes.

    I appreciate you coming to the community about this. Instead of a poll, which could be biased, could you just calculate whenever the peak hours are and reset according to that? Thank you! :)
