
Last active 7 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Tue Aug 9 16:04:31 2016
    Notblade posted in Cellexya's Blaze Grinder.

    Why is the grinder better than my base....And my base took me a week?!?!?!?

  2. Tue Aug 9 16:03:06 2016
    Notblade started the conversation I need help.

    I am looking for a team, or to put together a faction! You will need to have skype and a Mic. I will be on in a couple of days since of school and etc, if you want to join write down you're skype or if you dont want everyone to have your skype then contact me on my skype...My skype is not_blade with a cat as the profile pic
    Have a great day!

  3. Mon Aug 8 16:58:06 2016

    @Dannysharks Call your axe "Not a blade"


  4. Mon Aug 8 15:44:24 2016

    No it dosent, (name) has been killed by CHEESE

  5. Mon Aug 8 15:38:40 2016


  6. Mon Aug 8 15:35:54 2016
    Notblade started the conversation Notblade's Ban Appeal.

    In Game Name : Notblade

    Reason for your ban : I said I was hacking as a joke :/

    Why should you be unbanned : I should be unbanned because, I was never hacking, I said I was hacking in a funny manor. I went mining, and found 10 diamonds, in around 15-20 minutes. So I said in chat Notblade is Hacking, and in the middle of typing I found 10 diamonds, Nytsic said Hey Notblade. So Obviously I said Hello back but then he said Bye : D and I got banned. Please unban me I did not hack...I have a mac no hacks work for mac :/

  7. Mon Aug 8 15:27:04 2016
    Notblade joined the forum.