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  1. 2 days ago
    Thu Jul 25 02:51:00 2024
    Dennari43 started the conversation VIP Lounge - Now Open.

    Been a while, but the VIP Lounge is back! Fully redesigned for Fun and Function. Stop by and check out many of the cool new features! Open to all VIP, VIP+, and MVP ranks. How do you get a rank? Donating! Check out our store here . Not only do you get fun and unique cosmetics and perks, you also help out the server!


    Enchanting, Smelting, Brewing, and some fun villager trades.


    Want to listen to music while you work? Pick a song to be played throughout the Lounge from the soundboard.


    And on the flip side you can try any of the funny heads we offer!


    And if you're looking for some real rough and tumble kind of fun, try out the Hoglin Arena. Those bad boys got quite the kick to them.


    And for our more refined fellows with more aquatic tastes, check out this blast from the past Guardian fish tank!


    You can find it under .warps, by typing .viplounge, or finding the tp plate for it at spawn in the desert village house.

  2. Thu Jul 25 01:45:57 2024

    I see you haven't discovered the witch's study yet

  3. Thu Jul 25 01:34:57 2024

    You're missing one :)

  4. last week
    Thu Jul 18 01:50:45 2024

    As you probably remember, I am the one who banned you. You are correct, you will not be getting unbanned. You logged onto our server, asked if cheating was allowed, were told no several times by both players and the two admins online, and then proceeded to cheat anyway. You never intended to play fairly and I don't believe you're actually sorry. What I find interesting, however, is the account you chose to post this appeal with has an account that also used to play on our server and was also banned for cheating several years ago. It seems you did not learn your lesson.

    Best of luck elsewhere,

  5. 3 weeks ago
    Mon Jul 1 03:58:53 2024
    Dennari43 started the conversation July CraftyCrate Sneak Peak.

    Here's a look at some of the stuff you'll find in July's CraftyCrate!


    Packed full of goodies and a few surprises(be careful with those pots, they might break!), don't miss out on this month's crate! VIP+ and MVP ranks receive a CraftyCrate each month. Check out our store page here to see all the fun stuff you can get by donating!

  6. 4 weeks ago
    Tue Jun 25 20:00:23 2024
    Dennari43 posted in Memory lane.




  7. 5 weeks ago
    Fri Jun 21 20:15:38 2024
    Dennari43 started the conversation June CraftyCrate Sneak Peak.

    Here's a little snapshot of what you can find inside June's CraftyCrate.


    How do you get a CraftyCrate you may ask? Well, by donating!

    VIP+ and MVP are awarded 1 crate per month of that rank, along with a few other fun features(some of which will soon be announced!) All of which are listed on the donation descriptions on our Store page here .

    We currently are running a Server Reset Sale(25% off Everything!), so stop by the Store and get your rank and CraftyCrate today!

  8. Wed Jun 19 18:16:39 2024
    Dennari43 posted in Ban Appeal.

    Cheating is cheating, no matter the reason. And cheating results in a permanent ban.

    Best of luck elsewhere.
    Appeal denied.

  9. Tue Jun 18 14:34:41 2024

    @Th3GreenGamer A dome in an End-like area? Hmm, I'm sensing a theme with you...

    I won't deny, it may have started out that I just wanted to build another orb

  10. Mon Jun 17 08:15:32 2024
    Dennari43 started the conversation Parkour Hub and New Courses Now Open!.

    Come check out the Park! The new hub for parkour!

    Wander the winding roads and discover a number of secrets and prizes.






    Looking for some laid back fun? Explore the playground, make some music, or try your hand at some beginner friendly parkour.


    Scale the tower and get a view of the Park from one of its balconies, or maybe explore the treetops for a number of rewards.




    Splash your feet in the pond or chill out by a campfire, there's bound to be more you haven't seen.



    Or find your way down and explore the sewers.



    Not too confident in your parkour skills? Try out our practice courses!



    Ready for some more fun? Try one of our full courses. Explore the wonders of an extravagant land and climb your way to the top of a city in Prince of Persia.






    Or try your luck at a new course and find your way to the top of The Crystal Ball, a climb full of tricks and turns, and maybe a few hidden secrets of its own.






    Want to test your skills and prove yourself the best? Then take a chance at Nightmare, where you find yourself trapped inside The Crystal Ball and must find a way out. An extreme hard mode with no checkpoints, no save spots, and only the hardest of jumps known to parkour. Can you make it out without losing your sanity?







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