
Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Sat Jan 14 22:49:27 2017
    TheBlizWiz started the conversation Nerd Jokes!.

    The thread for everything nerd jokes.

    Here's a few I know:

    I put root beet in a square glass.
    Now it's just beer.


    A Roman Solider walks into a bar, holds up two fingers, and the bartender orders him five drinks.


    There are 10 different types of people in the world.
    There are those that can read binary, and those who can't.
    There's also 2 people who were expecting a ternary joke.


    Noble gases are so noble, because they don't take anything from anybody, and they don't share.


    You know what I use to turn the chemistry lab light on?

    A Lithium Tellurium Sulfur Tungsten Iodine Technetium Hydrogen.

    That's about all I can think of for now.

  2. Wed Jan 11 03:13:24 2017
    TheBlizWiz started the conversation Oxeye Daisies.

    Don't ask
    Just sell

    Will pay good money

  3. Wed Jan 11 03:02:14 2017
    TheBlizWiz posted in Shield (And Banner) Shop.

    @GrinningBobcat Well if you believe it's good I'll buy it

    Alright. Can you go online ATM?

  4. Wed Jan 11 02:55:27 2017
    TheBlizWiz posted in Shield (And Banner) Shop.

    @GrinningBobcat Not unless you think you are able to make it any more perfect it but I've made you the artist not me ^_^

    It's at the maximum survival banner edits. I can't upgrade it any more.

  5. Wed Jan 11 02:48:43 2017
    TheBlizWiz posted in Shield (And Banner) Shop.

    Would you like to place an order for the Leftmost banner?

  6. Tue Jan 10 22:14:40 2017
    TheBlizWiz posted in Bored of my Skin.

    I have an interesting idea

    Just reverse your skin 180 degrees, you know, like dinnerbone

  7. Tue Jan 10 22:11:31 2017
    TheBlizWiz posted in Shield (And Banner) Shop.


  8. Tue Jan 10 02:57:42 2017
    TheBlizWiz posted in Shield (And Banner) Shop.

    I made a few more.


  9. Tue Jan 10 02:47:40 2017
    TheBlizWiz posted in Shield (And Banner) Shop.

    @GrinningBobcat Sweet. Do you make these in creative first in single player creative or make them on CM then show them on CM? Cause if it's single player creative then I can say go cat themed or do whatever pleases you to fit me, I'll like it regardless

    Yeah, I use creative to mess around and show it off.

    How about this? -image-

  10. Tue Jan 10 02:40:47 2017
    TheBlizWiz posted in Shield (And Banner) Shop.

    Yeah, maybe.

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