
Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Mon Oct 31 03:32:48 2016
    Restiveness started the conversation Ban Appeal.

    In Game Name:Restiveness

    Reason for your ban:Xray

    Why should you be unbanned: I am really upset and mad this is one of the best servers I have found in awhile. As to what happened I was walking in the wilderness a creeper exploded. After the explosion I saw chest at the bottom of the explosion. So I go to open it to see if theres anything inside then bam I'm banned 2 seconds later. I'm very upset please please fix this. Thank you for reading this hope this issue gets resolved.

  2. Fri Oct 28 22:01:15 2016
    Restiveness posted in rnc2011's tardis hunt.

    I usually call people on minecraft he sorry if your a Mrs.Blacken lo

  3. Fri Oct 28 01:29:37 2016
    Restiveness posted in rnc2011's tardis hunt.

    I remember when he said that lol

  4. Thu Oct 27 22:23:00 2016
    Restiveness posted in rnc2011's tardis hunt.

    Picture broke again dang

  5. Thu Oct 27 22:19:17 2016
    Restiveness posted in Treasure Hunt!!!.

    Can't wait to try to find this when I get on. Question has it been found yet and you have any hints ???

  6. Wed Oct 26 02:11:44 2016
    Restiveness posted in rnc2011's tardis hunt.

    Tardis 19:
    Prize: 10 diamond blocks
    Winner: Restiveness
    Additional note: I got super lucky when a skeleton hit me off the cliff of the mountain. Then while going up the waterfall seeing little gap that goes back. Was super happy and excited to find a tardis 2 times in a row.

  7. Mon Oct 24 15:43:06 2016
    Restiveness joined the forum.