
Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Sat Nov 5 04:59:44 2016

    I'd like to order a god sword without kb, a god pick with fortune 3, and finally a god rod :D

  2. Sat Oct 29 22:42:19 2016
    awearasp12 posted in CAGE WARS.

    I'd sign up if Blesian would get on!

    ~ 2 Wins : 0 Losses

  3. Sat Oct 29 22:05:49 2016
    awearasp12 started the conversation awearasp12's Staff Application.

    Everyone applying for staff: please Follow this format, or your application will be void.

    TITLE OF THE THREAD: awearasp12's Staff Application

    In Game Name: awearasp12

    Age: 17

    Time Zone: Central Standard Time (CST)

    Strengths: My strengths are being ready for a challenge. From dealing with an enormous build to talking to the most stubborn people on the face of the earth, calmly. (I'm sure the person reading this has met a few people like this.) I can answer questions about the game or server quickly being a fast at typing. I'm also welcoming to new players. Being young I can learn quickly. Another strength that comes with my youth is lightheartedness. I could turn just about anything into a joke. Lastly I have an understand of the rules applied to the server and want to enforce them wholeheartedly. All while being as optimistic as possible!

    Weaknesses: Being in high school time isn't on my side. Not only will my time be limited on based on playtime but my parents are divorced. Playtime is the first thing that comes to mind when I have free time but I don't always have internet to do so. Connection is another weakness. Living in the forest was a good idea until the internet was introduced. I'm shy on communication platforms like skype, discord, and teamspeak. After a while though I'll come out of my shell!

    Why you are Applying: I'm applying because I feel that I'm invested in the server. Welcoming new players and helping others! Applying as staff whether it's accepted or not makes me feel at least that I tried to be apart of a loved and respected team! The welcomes from when I first joined are forever in my memory! Also the couple times I died but you win some and lose some right? Maybe I'll beat 2chill in deaths or ticks! Possibilities are endless!

    Time Played on CraftyMynes (ticks): 2,776,005

    Custom Note (optional): I appreciate at least the skimming of the application and the consideration of being apart of staff! I also appreciate the time that a person spent reading my application!

    Thank you very much for reading my application!!! :D

  4. Thu Oct 27 22:43:23 2016
    awearasp12 joined the forum.