
Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Sat Nov 5 22:04:55 2016
    killcameron started the conversation Killcamerons ban appeal part 2 - attack of the ban.

    In game name - annoyingly still Killcameron

    Reason for ban - pre-emptive?


    As requested TLDR:

    1. kick message was ambiguous, no contact attempted prior.
    2. ban was pre-emptive, anyone should know thats a poor reason
    3. precedent that the mods have set is weak, and only creates work for themselves.

    4(ish) its a good read, i threw some comedy in there to keep those with only 10 million brain cells entertained.

    Actual thesis starts here:

    To all those mods and admins whom clearly have very busy lives (judging by previous comments) please read this at your leisure, perhaps with a beer. Put your feet up and enjoy:

    To Whom It May Concern:

    This is a very strange scenario I find myself sitting in.
    Firstly, I would like to clarify my name is Cameron, the killing of whom is referred to.

    1. The kick was without warning, and the message was ambiguous.

    The first time I was kicked the kick message was simply “your name is offensive, please change it”. Thinking I was banned as a result of a glitch (or mistakenly) I logged back in and asked why. There was no response but to be kicked again with the message “your name is politically offensive, please change it.” At this point I was genuinely confused. I’m from New Zealand, a country famed for its political passiveness. Also more to the point, I had no idea what my own “political agenda” was…

    Lets say craftyminer was banned with those messages. You would have no idea why, and find it immensely confusing. Rather than immediately whining on the forum, it makes more sense to log back in and ask why you were banned. If you were from New Zealand crafty, would you naturally have any idea as to the meaning of a political based name ban? For example Paul Miner is a political figure in wales renowned for his deceit of his own party - some would say crafty deceit. See where i'm going with this? You would have no idea and is a ludicrous reason.

    Once more I logged in attempting to contact a mod/admin and ask what was happening. Instead I am banned with the message that my name was offensive.

    2. Bizarre pre-emptive censorship.

    When asked (through my friends account), creeperlord said he would enforce the name ban due to the possibility of hate speech and chat spamming due to a potential political argument breaking out. Let’s say that’s a possibility, how about we kindly warn people first through a DM. If they continue – kick them with an adequate explanation, for example:

    "Killcameron - your name has been found offensive by a number of players. I believe this to be because of the UK political leader David Cameron. I'm sure you mean no harm - could you please change it."

    If they return AND CONTINUE to spam chat, then ban them. If they return after a kick and ask why they were kicked, how about you respond and explain why?

    Looking at other ban appeals, the admins clearly “have busy lives” – (that one from Dannysharks – thanks for the quote) How about you make it a little easier for yourselves and avoid this work in the first place? This could very easily have been solved by looking at the chat. I'd been playing for about 10 hours (guessing), had used the chat around twice in total, and hadn't said anything that day beyond "why was I kicked".

    3. Loss of account details

    Now yes, the account details have been lost, so I can’t change my name. It’s a very old alpha account and I’ve since lost track of which email and password combo was used. It’s just been an auto log in for so long now I’ve forgotten. Perhaps when this was made evident point 2 should have been re-considered, and a message sent to the person whom took offence? Isn’t that the point of an admin? To facilitate fair play for anyone that’s just looking to break some blocks and put them back down again?

    4. The precedent I assume is now set.

    To all those enjoying a good read – rest assured, anyone you dislike can now be banned. Simply take offence to their name and **poof** they are gone. I've already done craftyminer with a fictional character, so I assume the admins are going to vet every request and determine the level of potential chat spamming from the relevant wikipedia page.

    For example 2 I'll use creeperlord, the lovely mod that can't understand point 2.
    Creeperlord… lord… lord Duncan… killer lord Duncan… “Lord Duncan is best known for being the lead suspect in the murder of his children’s nanny and then disappearing.” Bam – banned. - i'll leave it to Nysic to wikipedia Lord Duncan and determine his relationship to me the potential of creeperlord abusing the chat defending "himself" (i'm assuming that he is calling for lord duncan to be blown up by a creeper - its the only logical reason for his name after all).

    Or perhaps just a quick google on the oppression of the Lords and ruling elite during the dark ages, bound to be something offensive on Wikipedia…

    Anyway, thanks for the excellent excuse to avoid studying for exams, and for my first foray into being a keyboard worrier. Congratulations Craftymines, you have turned me into what I hate most. A wining twelvey.

    Enjoy the mass banning,
    A casual political activist spreading crafty deceit through the mines of Minecraft.

  2. Sat Nov 5 09:52:34 2016
    killcameron started the conversation Killcameron's Ban Appeal.

    In Game Name: Killcameron

    Reason for your ban: name?

    Why should you be unbanned: why was i banned? literally no idea. Got kicked for my name, logged back in and asked a mod why i was kicked, he/she agreed there was nothing wrong with my name. Didn't get the mods name as i was then banned for my name, and missed my chance to read it. Out of the blue, hadn't been doing anything. Thanks for the help.

  3. Sat Nov 5 09:41:22 2016
    killcameron joined the forum.