
Last active last year

  1. last year
    Fri Oct 20 15:28:02 2023

    Allow tnt duping.

  2. Sun Sep 3 18:59:34 2023
    shvex posted in Worldborder size doubled.

    We don't want cheaters to find us either so I appreciate the bigger map! Now if I take all the proper precautions my base won't be painfully easy to find by experienced greifers or even the hackers! Sweeeeet

  3. Fri Sep 1 19:22:57 2023
    shvex started the conversation MVP + Website Name .

    Bought MVP -- Hasn't updated. Tried fixrank and relogging

    Please change my name on here from LowPriced to shvex please :)

  4. Fri Aug 4 15:36:33 2023
    shvex started the conversation Vip.

    Missing my VIP rank


  5. Wed Jul 26 23:49:23 2023
    shvex started the conversation shvex's Ban Appeal.

    In Game Name: shvex

    Reason for your ban: chat violations

    Why should you be unbanned: I violated chat rules many, many years ago when I was but a young man. I've matured quite a bit since then. I'd like to play with my friends who are also very mature men now who play Minecraft on this server. I sincerely apologize for my past transgressions.

    Side note: Not sure what email is attached to the 'shvex' account for the forum. Please PM me what it is if possible.

  6. 8 years ago
    Mon Dec 19 21:35:45 2016
    shvex posted in Team Low Priced Recruiting!.

    @OtherGreenGamer No thanks, i'm ok.

  7. Mon Dec 19 21:25:00 2016
    shvex started the conversation Team Low Priced Recruiting!.

    Team Low Priced!

    (For now it is our temporary name)

    For you who are new or new-ish to the server or even have played for a while i am here to tell you that we are recruiting! We are currently a 4-Man/woman team.

    We don't need to be peaceful but it'd be preferred. If you are interested in joining /msg me in-game or privately message me on the forums. *or reply to this post - least preferred*

  8. Mon Dec 19 21:07:22 2016
    shvex joined the forum.