
Last active 7 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Tue Jan 3 16:36:12 2017
    HappyRuskiSushi started the conversation HappyRuskiSushi Ban Appeal.

    In Game Name: HappyRuskiSushi

    Reason for your ban: "Stop" or something

    Why should you be unbanned: Well, I kinda did annoy the admin a lot, but it was because my friend got banned for saying ryler was "immature", then ryler told me my friend had harassed her earlier, which my friend hasn't (we're new to the server and ryler JUST got on) When I asked what HappyAsianSushi said she refused to answer me. Im sorry for being annoying, but I would like an apology from ryler too, she told me being an ass is allowed, (which she is to everyone) yet I got banned for being close to an ass and my friend got banned for NO reason whatsoever, as disrespecting is ALLOWEd to an extent, "immature" does not exed that extent.

  2. Tue Jan 3 16:17:16 2017
    HappyRuskiSushi joined the forum.