
Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Tue Jan 3 16:42:05 2017
    HappyAsianSushi started the conversation HappyAsianSushi ban appeal.

    In Game Name: HappyAsianSushi

    Reason for your ban: No reason whatsoever.

    Why should you be unbanned: In Game Name: I literally got a permanent ban for calling an Admin immature twice, which to me is not disrespecting. But what's even worse is that this Admin banned me for something that i haven't done, such as harrasing and trolling? I mean i get that you can get harrased for being called immature but that's all i did and it shouldn't have resulted in a permanent ban? Am i correct? Well... here's the thing that i get a little bit upset about. Trolling? In what way did i troll? I said two comments that's all nothing more... the first was that i called the Admin immature i got kicked for calling the player that after the player acted very immature. I got kicked and the Admin kept on saying more and more disturbing things not only that the player abused their power by disrespecting us players, the player ''roasted'' my friend and such. Then i said my second sentence and that was something like this ''I have my own opinion about you being immature'' i said that to the Admin and apparently that results in a permanent ban and not only that i got banned for false reasons.

  2. Tue Jan 3 16:25:53 2017
    HappyAsianSushi joined the forum.