Last active 6 years ago
So as a listener of hi's story is so:
Using X-Ray mod for the fullbright - Yes
X-Raying - No
Stripmining - Yes
Refilling gaps for smoother run back home - Yes
yes he did "cheat" and for that a temp ban perhaps would be in order or drag him to the side and ask, sorry if i am just wasting time.
But i dont see a reason for banning straight out of nowhere, what if he was only stripmining with hi's efficiensy V and silk tuch pick and stroke out of luck?
to me it is quite common to refill floor for a smoother run back than having to jump up and down cause of the time consumption.
I'm trying to get Admin/mods to reconsider and yes i will yell a bit at him cause of this for a while lol
He's my nephew and we finally established a base with my dutch friend and loosing him isnt just a punishment for him but for all 3 of us, and if you check out our base its alot of strip mining in all directions cause we mine at Y-Level 10 that is the best to find diamonds anyway.
Yes he was mining the diamonds using hi's silk tuch pick to bring them back to me so i could use my luck/loot pick to increase our outcome.
He is shit lucky when mining and i usually call x-ray on him but by watching over hi's shoulder while he play i saw he didnt utilize any cheats.
hope you will look at it again with fresh mind and let him learn hi's lesson by this
- Yours Knigt40 (old guy who play with hi's nephew yes lol)