Last active 7 years ago
uh hey can i have an unban, thkn u doods! (btw can i hve admin?? i think i desrve)
The__Blue__Jay Ban Appeal
In Game Name: The__Blue__Jay
Reason for your ban: (disobeying/disrespecting)
Why should you be unbanned: Hello fellow minecraftians! I am very sorry that I have brought topics that I did not think of controversial into the chat, I was just trying to defend bohan who in my opinion was wrongfully banned, but I can see why some people were offended, I think I should be unbanned because I didn't like how dark and awkward the chat was so i tried to lighten up the mood with a witty joke! But I guess some people misunderstood my intentions and thought i was disrespecting the LGBTQ+ community, my condolences to anyone I offended, I would just like to put this all behind me and keep mining!