Last active 6 months ago
goddddamn I love seeing maps like this. Connects everything that happens or was built in spawn together
1) IGN:
2) Age:
3) When did you first join CraftyMynes?:
4) What is your tick count?:
5) What is your rank on CM?:
6) How experienced are you in farming and/or PVP?:
7) How do you like to play the game?:
8) Tell us about yourself (anything you'd like us to know, or general information about hobbies etc.):
9) What do you like about Team Eye? (At least 50 words, no more than 150):
10) Why do you want to join? (At least 50 words, no more than 150):
11) What do you bring to the table? (At least 100 words, no more than 200):
12) What sets you apart from the other applicants? (This is the most crucial question, write as much or as little as you want, but put thought into it):
1) hekmo
2) 6.5
3) 2022
4) billions and billions
5) Undermyner
6) On another server [name redacted] I was the GOD POG of PVP war. Hundreds of kills, only 1 death and that was because of server lag XDXDXD
7) I collect as many diamonds as I can and throw them into lava. Games are pointless, we all die in the void in the end, let anarchy reign.
8) I like Fortnite, LoL (Jynx main ftw 1,000,000%!!!!), and Roblox
9) Who's TeamEye?
10) Im noob let me joina team plz
11) A delicious loaf of bread for sandwiches
12) ^