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  1. 7 years ago
    Mon Jul 31 05:16:22 2017
    xXZACHARYXx started the conversation Worst Server EVER Played.

    This server is actually the worst server I have EVER played on. The staff isn't helpful, they don't understand ANYTHING and won't listen to a single word a Non-Donator/Staff member will say. I simply quoted like this, "Sample Text." And I get banned. All I asked was why did my friend get banned for having his sword named "Ass Eater" and didn't change it before my other friend instigated him to the point of being slain. But my other friend said, "Censored by papaneon" and got kicked. I don't even want an appeal to this server, but I'd like to just state how fucking utterly stupid this server is. You're all mental, you kick without even talking to the person about their offense. Suggestion to the Head Admin and the Owner, quit letting kids moderate your server because you'll never have active and long lasting players if you have these huge flaws. I sincerely hope your server gets taken down because it's absolute trash.

  2. Mon Jul 31 05:07:44 2017
    xXZACHARYXx joined the forum.