Last active 7 years ago
In Game Name: God_Is_Dad
Reason for your ban: I was not banned (yet), but will continue to be kicked for my name "possibly being offensive to players".
Why should you be unbanned:
Let's start off by making clear that in no way, shape, or form was my intention to cause trouble or "offend anyone".
Apparently I did.
My username, God_Is_Dad, is a play on the phrase "God is dead", coined by Friedrich Nietzsche. Simply a play on the phrase. Nothing more. Now, the argument used against me was it could "possibly offend someone".
Let me oppose that by stating that by that logic that a god, regardless of which religion's god it is, could offend someone, is already absurd. The idea of having them has been around far longer than anyone could care to be offended by it.
Now, if you are truly offended by my first 1/3 of my username, than again I'll counter that with the argument that a subject as simple as a god offending you is blatant in saying that just about anything could offend a person, because we never know.
So, if we banning on the purpose that my name might offend someone, why don't we ban everyone? Their name might offend me somehow, or some other player in some way.
[21:09:59] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] <God_Is_Dad> so
[21:10:01] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] <God_Is_Dad> question
[21:10:25] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] <God_Is_Dad> for instance, Fire_Falcoln is a member here. Like me, he did nothing to offend anyone. BUT, his name begins with Fire
[21:10:33] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] <God_Is_Dad> Fire can be interpreted as cool, fun to look at
[21:10:38] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] <God_Is_Dad> or the basis of many many deaths
My name sparked debate in chat, and at one point I asked publicly if my name had offended anyone to please say so.
([21:04:25] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] <God_Is_Dad> I'm being kicked. For?
[21:04:45] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §7jrcluck§r joined the game
[21:04:49] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] <God_Is_Dad> If I've offended anyone would they please speak up and say why my name offends them?
Nobody said a word. In fact, some came forward and said they weren't offended at all.
[21:05:41] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] <§3ollera§r> i don't think it is offensive
[21:16:04] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] <Davisonte> Makes no sense to ban God_Is_Dad. Deity is a god. God is a god.
Oh? A deity? Where did that come from?
Well, you see, it so happened that in the midst of this debate a player named lesserdeity joined the server.
Do a quick google search for "deity" for me.
This player stated they had even been a previous admin, and if it were up to them, they would have no problem with it.
I am in understanding of that rule, but then in this case wouldn't lesserdeity's name be an issue as well? It references the same concept.
[21:19:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] <§3§llesserdeity§r> since my name wasnt a prob, i doubt yours is
This piece that follows was the most interesting part to me so far.
[21:15:02] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] <§3§llesserdeity§r> yes, no religous stuff here
[21:15:06] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] <God_Is_Dad> but sir
[21:15:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] <God_Is_Dad> explain to me
[21:15:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] <God_Is_Dad> what is a deity?
[21:15:17] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] <§3§l_Yul§r> god
[21:15:22] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] <God_Is_Dad> case in point
For crying out loud, people. I want to play the server just the same as all of you. These servers are hard to come by today. My name should not be that deciding factor and if it is, let us all be held accountable. Which means everyone would be banned.
Ending note: It makes sense to ban/kick off a name that has full intention to offend. I won't list examples as you are all intelligent enough to think of some yourselves. My name in no way was defacing any person or group by intention.
I hope to continue to respectfully debate this issue with the server.
Thank you.
EDIT 10/18/17 ~9:30am EST: The rule states no discussion about those topics. Very understandable, yet I never even started that discussion. The debate was brought up by another player and I was defending myself when things got heavy. And yes, fire is not a religion. You're right. But a god necessarily doesn't have to be either - the only definition for a god isn't religion based. Sure, that might be your first assumption but it may not be what I or another player with a similar name may have been going for.
A quick google search also defines "god" as
- an adored, admired, or influential person.
"he has little time for the fashion victims for whom he is a god"
- a thing accorded the supreme importance appropriate to a god.
"don't make money your god"
It could reference something that becomes a controller of your life. Your boss at work could be that. Money can be that. Lust, greed, almost any emotion can be your life's control.