Last active 7 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Sat Dec 16 16:13:37 2017
    GH6CTG started the conversation Skywalkplayz got banned, Why?.

    i have been playing with Skywalkplayz. when we where mining he got banned. at first i was thingink "why got he banned" and i ask him. he sad (to fast to me to remember everything) "i got banned for xray". but i know he didnt. and i know he didnt because i just tolt him what is was and what is does (i have use it one on single player).
    so i want to know why and proof why he got banned. i can ask permisson to him if needed.
    i would like to have a answer en i hope you know why i post this.
    bye from GH6CTG

  2. Sat Dec 16 16:02:54 2017
    GH6CTG joined the forum.