
Last active 4 months ago

  1. last year
    Mon Aug 7 18:42:21 2023
    HoomanResources posted in Cats Only. .


  2. Mon Aug 7 05:08:32 2023
    HoomanResources posted in Cats Only. .


  3. Mon Aug 7 04:48:57 2023
    HoomanResources started the conversation Cats Only. .

    Show me your cat children!

  4. Mon Aug 7 04:47:02 2023
    HoomanResources posted in iwarriiori's renovation services.

    I appreciate the pizza hut shoutout! Better ingredients, Better Pizza, Hooman's Pizza Hut.

  5. Mon Aug 7 04:44:26 2023
    HoomanResources posted in vip not taking effect.

    I am making note that this is fixed and Im locking the conversation. Glad you are able to have your rank now! Cheers!

  6. 4 years ago
    Mon Nov 30 04:13:12 2020
    HoomanResources posted in Cats or Dogs.

    I have 5 cats.

  7. Wed Aug 26 01:07:55 2020
    HoomanResources posted in You Better Give Me Some Skynyrd.


  8. Tue Aug 25 02:54:58 2020
    HoomanResources started the conversation HR Head.

    Welcome Welcome, one and all!

    Hooman here^u^

    I have been asked for my player head and here it is!

    How to get this head?
    I used to ask for something as payment, it is my favorite thing I used to ask for all the time and I would give diamonds for it (even if it wasn't worth it, value-wise.)

    Very unlikely anyone will know what it is, but if you have a guess, feel free to pm me.

    You could get a staff head that has basic cable!

  9. 5 years ago
    Tue Sep 24 07:03:16 2019

    I go by many names: Hoomanresources, Hooman, bringer of the storm, Hoomie, Hoo, disappointment (family nickname), and my old game name Humanoid!
    I am almost 23, engaged, bought my first home, 3 cats, 1sausage dog, 2 geckos, and a cricket in my basement...
    My hobbies include: being at home with my cats, writing, used to do a TON of video editing, and falling from high places.
    I like classic rock, electric swing, I'm mostly an indie boi, and robots like daft punk.
    I'm friendly, but very shy, used to be worse. And I give my items away for free because my anxiety gets too high trying to figure out how much to charge for my items... or sometimes I demand poems.

  10. Mon Sep 23 19:47:08 2019

    are you still in stock with shulker boxes?

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