
Last active 6 years ago

  1. 6 years ago
    Sun Jun 24 15:48:52 2018
    Sekci started the conversation Sekci's Ban Appeal.

    In Game Name:Sekci
    Reason for your ban:'Chat violations
    Why should you be unbanned:Not sure exactly what I did. I got a perm ban. I assume it was for bad language but the only bad words I said was repeating ThrashCraft and I don't believe he was banned. I feel like this ban was A) too harsh and B) unessecary as I had only said fag and dick which in my opinion aren't excessive.
    I would highly apprieciate being unbanned. Upon reading the rules I do not feel like the words I said deserved a ban. I admit to using caps but that was only for one word and was not aggressive. I was also kicked for spam upon saying 'FLOOOOOOR' which is the mentioned word in my last sentence. i don't think this counts as spam or unworthy use of caps

  2. Sun Jun 24 15:42:56 2018
    Sekci joined the forum.