
Last active [hidden]

  1. last year
    Fri Oct 27 06:05:02 2023

    I heard rumors about the forum being updated kinda curious

  2. Mon Oct 2 19:52:14 2023
    Mymcy posted in Cats Only. .


  3. 2 years ago
    Mon Jun 20 03:23:59 2022
    Mymcy posted in cursed images.


  4. Fri Jun 17 16:31:17 2022
    Mymcy posted in Server version?.

    you need a basement slave while you are sailing the seven seas

  5. 4 years ago
    Sun Mar 1 15:15:37 2020
    Mymcy posted in New Owner.

    Crafty x Server 5ever

  6. 5 years ago
    Sun Feb 9 19:22:47 2020
    Mymcy posted in -_+ Mymcy Art Showcase +_-.


    I am rusty honestly since it's been such a long time, But I wanted to draw a bee for practice since they're cute flying fuzzies
    He sit on bread loaf

  7. Fri Feb 7 15:32:25 2020
    Mymcy posted in New Word Association.

    Hide and Seek

  8. 6 years ago
    Wed Oct 31 12:02:50 2018
    Mymcy posted in Clowntasia.

  9. Sat Oct 13 20:01:12 2018
    Mymcy posted in Clown Sightings.


  10. Mon Aug 6 02:25:25 2018
    Mymcy posted in -_+ Mymcy Art Showcase +_-.

    Just a small warning A player recently stole my old name and dressed as my skin. I kind of half expected this to happen as I was planning to safe keep the name if I ever wanted it back, however while I was at work A troll account I guess was camping for my name and happened to snatch it first the very day it was available. It's expected and it happens to many when they change their name.

    So I'm sure this is only deemed for trolling purposes but due to my background and connection with the community I wanted to establish things for good measure and my hobbies.

    If "Pimpcy" ever proclaims to have commissions open and asks for payment don't accept and don't give them Items or other forms of payment they're not me and they don't hold up to my work.
    If Pimpcy proclaims anything els pretending to be me they're not.
    You can always check Namemc for proof.
    Thank you for taking your time to read!

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