
Last active last year

  1. last year
    Thu Jun 8 02:11:46 2023
    Nathan112202 started the conversation Nathan112202's Ban Appeal.

    Hello. I am making this ban appeal so I can play on the server. I heard that the server has reset and I would like to play with my friends again. It's been a long time so I have had plenty of time to repent for my wrongdoing in the past. Things that have been done in the past will not take place again.

  2. Wed Jun 7 22:32:21 2023
    Blackened_Dawn changed Nathan112202's group to .
  3. 3 years ago
    Sun May 16 17:49:08 2021
    Nysic changed Nathan112202's group to Suspended.
  4. Sun May 16 01:06:15 2021
    Nathan112202 started the conversation 97cent's Ban Appeal.

    In-game Username: 97cent

    Reason for Ban: "not reporting"

    Reason for Unban: From the previous appeal, I knew everything. The player had told me everything and all of the stories. As I got banned for not reporting, I see no reason to report. All the bad things from that player, happened in the past. They have no correlation to the present. The player also had done nothing since their return. Only fitting in with all the other players. No one knew a thing. I see no reason to report nothing. Which comes to my ban. Why would I report nothing.

  5. Sat May 15 04:59:42 2021
    Nathan112202 started the conversation 97cent's Ban Appeal.

    In-game Username: 97cent

    Reason for ban: not reporting

    Reason for unban: I do not know what I was supposed to report. Could it have been because I was in the Craft Discord with the player? The other guys I was banned with had said so. I do not know any reason for my ban.

  6. Tue May 11 15:54:57 2021
    Nathan112202 posted in Selling KFC.

    Cry about it. Starve. Only the strong come out alive. Overpriced. Get a job. Buy some food.

  7. Thu Apr 15 04:06:43 2021
    Nathan112202 posted in The Selfie Thread!!.


  8. Tue Apr 13 15:14:06 2021
    Nathan112202 started the conversation 97cent's Ban Appeal.

    In-Game Username: 97cent

    Reason for Ban: Detected use of a proxy/VPN

    Reason for Unban: Again I had tried to login to the server from my school internet network. The school uses a VPN, so I guess it will always happen. I should just not login at school.

  9. Wed Apr 7 20:34:49 2021
    Nathan112202 started the conversation 97cent's Ban Appeal.

    In-Game Username: 97cent

    Reason for Ban: IP detected as a proxy/VPN

    Reason for Unban: Use of VPN was not intentional. I had tried to login from my high school this morning and got the ban message. I usually use my home WiFi network, which has no such use of VPNs. I have never used VPNs in the past, nor will in the future.

  10. Thu Mar 25 17:15:25 2021
    Nathan112202 started the conversation Nathan112202's Ban Appeal.

    In-Game Username: Nathan112202

    Reason for Ban: Multiple Chat Violations

    Reason for Unban: I wish to play on this account on this server. I know what I did was bad and I will not do it again. Please have mercy on me.

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