Last active 5 years ago

  1. 6 years ago
    Tue Jan 15 12:34:33 2019
    JAKSATTACK posted in M-TEC facility tour.

    This is truely my dream build, I have got to try this...

  2. Sat Jan 12 16:09:05 2019
    JAKSATTACK posted in Server problems.

    Any updates on server status?

  3. Fri Jan 11 02:39:45 2019
    JAKSATTACK started the conversation JAKSATTACK Staff Application.

    In Game Name: JAKSATTACK

    Age: 47

    Time Zone: Eastern Standard

    Strengths: I have not been playing Minecraft very long, so I'm always learning, always engaging in builds and analyzing pros and cons of each build. Also have extensive knowledge of game servers dating back to quake, half life, counterstrike.

    Weaknesses: Playing various times, and not on a set schedule, but I play daily.

    Why you are Applying: I like to help out, and would like to broaden my knowledge regarding Minecraft, server functionality.

    Time Played on CraftyMynes (ticks): About 49 Million.

    Custom Note (optional): If my application is not accepted I'll still do my best helping people out, as CM is the only server I have ever played on for v1.13

  4. Thu Aug 30 22:59:59 2018
    JAKSATTACK joined the forum.