Last active last year
1: yes but dosnt talk very often
2: 1.13 update
3: 3254182
4: i would say that im decent
5: pretty casual but if there is a fight im ready
6: im a funny person
7: it could be fun to be in a big team that hunt the other player
8: little bit of building skill and decent pvp skills
9: 10
10: no
Ign: shavatar
Age: 17
Time Zone: GMT +1
Strenghs: i like to help people when they have a problem, i always try to find a solution maybe im a bit steady im good to keep my head cold in difficult situations. i always try to keep myself down in complicated situations untill i have found a solution.
Weaknesses: The fact that im steady can be a weakness for me. sometimes i get overwhelmed with informations.
Ticks on the server: 8725752
i want to be a helper cuz i like to help people when they need it. i really think i can live up to the job. i look forword to hear from ya
greetings shavatar
Well I think it’s should be like 2.5% chance with looting 3 to get a mob head except for zombie skeletons and witherskuls that should be the normal way
Hey I know that the server is just normal vanilla. But I think it would be cool if you could get heads from every mob like it is on the yt server hermitcraft.
Greetings shavatar
hey my acc is shavatar
i tped to a person with big letters in his name i got banned for caps/characters
i think i should get unbanned that this is a accident
greetings shavatar