
Last active 5 years ago

  1. 5 years ago
    Tue Apr 23 02:21:57 2019
    Idotrytotry posted in CraftyMynes and 1.14.

    Will it rain in the new server?

  2. Mon Apr 22 05:19:22 2019
    Idotrytotry posted in CraftyMynes and 1.14.

    I smelt, I brew

  3. Sun Apr 21 02:06:50 2019
    Idotrytotry posted in 1.14.

    I hope we don't reset

  4. Sun Apr 21 01:21:44 2019
    Idotrytotry started the conversation 1.14.

    1.14 is supposed to be released in a few days. Will we be updating?

  5. Thu Apr 11 16:11:34 2019
    Idotrytotry posted in Anyone likes astronomics?.

    King of all coffee stains

  6. Thu Mar 28 23:43:30 2019
    Idotrytotry posted in Community VIP Gifting System Idea.

    How about random nominations and then a public poll to vote for the nominees?

  7. Sun Mar 24 03:33:59 2019

    @humfrydog I am looking for a spawner located between level 42 and 62 if you find any at that height let me know

    will do, all my spawners are at about 14

  8. Sat Mar 23 04:01:21 2019
    Idotrytotry posted in A&C Shulker Box Sale.

    I'd like to buy 3 please

  9. Fri Mar 22 16:10:29 2019

    I think you can load them both simultaneously, but they aren't super super close together.
    They are connected by a cave so I thought it would be kinda rude to sell one and then set whoever bought it up for a raid when someone else bought the other one and stumbled upon it.

  10. Thu Mar 21 23:52:36 2019
    Idotrytotry started the conversation Idot's Spawner Coords. Shop (only spawner coords rn).

    I have found a few spawners around the world so I thought that I would sell the coordinates of each one. :D

    ** First 2 customers get a 1 DB discount on coordinates and all I ask is that you vouch for the legitimacy of my wares. **

    (x2) Zombie Spawner 3DB each

    (x1) Skeleton Spawner + Cave Spider Spawner Bundle (because they are relatively near to each other) 4 DB

    (x1) Nether Fortress 2DB

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