

Last active 5 years ago

  1. 5 years ago
    Sat May 18 00:09:30 2019
    Blackened_Dawn changed DoozyOp's group to Suspended.
  2. Fri May 17 02:28:30 2019
    DoozyOp started the conversation Ban appeal.

    Name: DoozyOP

    Reason: Admitting to hacking x-ray.

    I started off by saying, "something funny just happened, I was swimming in the ocean and the chunks weren't spawning in front of me fast enough and it worked as an x-ray for me to see chests in an abandoned mine shaft." Then I followed up with. "Mod ban me i'm hacking, time to slap on the handcuffs." I meant it in a joking way, I think he missed my first message and that's why I got banned. If the mod is online still he should be able to scroll up and see exact messages. Thank you.

  3. Fri May 17 02:24:20 2019
    DoozyOp started the conversation Ban appeal.

    Name: DoozyOP

    Reason: Admitting to hacking x-ray.

    I started off by saying, "something funny just happened, I was swimming in the ocean and the chunks weren't spawning in front of me fast enough and it worked as an x-ray for me to see chests in an abandoned mine shaft." Then I followed up with. "Mod ban me i'm hacking, time to slap on the handcuffs." I meant it in a joking way, I think he missed my first message and that's why I got banned. If the mod is online still he should be able to scroll up and see exact messages. Thank you.

  4. Fri May 17 02:11:16 2019
    DoozyOp joined the forum.