
Last active [hidden]

  1. 2 years ago
    Sun Oct 16 18:04:00 2022
    shepherda posted in New Word Association.


  2. Fri Sep 16 01:05:25 2022
    shepherda posted in New Word Association.


  3. Wed Sep 14 00:27:35 2022
    shepherda posted in New Word Association.


  4. Mon Sep 12 01:00:02 2022
    shepherda posted in New Word Association.


  5. Tue May 17 15:37:17 2022
    shepherda posted in New Word Association.


  6. 3 years ago
    Fri Mar 4 01:36:56 2022
    shepherda posted in New Word Association.


  7. 4 years ago
    Sat Apr 25 02:00:40 2020
    shepherda started the conversation shepherda's ban appeal.

    shepherda's ban appeal

    IGN: shepherda

    Reason for ban: Not listening to staff

    Why should you be unbanned: I wanna start out by saying that this was not my best moment. Honestly, this was completely out of character for me, as people know I usually shut up when staff tell me too, and I look up to them. I want to apologize to Blackened_Dawn for not listening to her, and basically daring her to ban me. That was childish and immature of me. I want to apologize to 1Lysander for thinking and hoping I had changed and would stop when I didnt. I want to apologize to iwarriori for calling him out in front of everyone. I will not apologize for the behavior of Hollow_Dawn, as I did not ask him to go on there and say those things. I will let him apologize himself if he wants. I also want to apologize to the community for bringing drama and havoc to the server tonight. I hope I can get unbanned because this server actually does mean a lot to me. I was being immature, and I promise not to do anything like this again. I will say that iwarriori does say some mean things, but instead of bringing it up like I did tonight and not letting it go, I will ask him to stop, and if he doesn't I will ignore him. If he still does not stop, I will do what 1Lysander suggested. Take a screenshot and send it to a staff member. Again, I am so sorry that I let y'all down......again.

  8. Tue Apr 14 19:29:46 2020
    shepherda started the conversation shepherda's Staff Application (update).

    shepherda's Staff Application

    In Game Name: shepherda

    Age: 17

    Time Zone: EST/Southern US

    Tell us a bit about yourself: I have played on CraftyMynes for a little less than a year now, and I still love to play on the server and make new friends. I think what makes this server so enjoyable for me is the family-friendly atmosphere. So much of the world is negative nowadays, so it's nice that we can have a place to play online that at least has a filter. The few things about the server that kind of dull my experience on there is that most of my friends left, sometimes the players can be a bit mean to each other, and I think I am on my 15th base now, because I keep getting raided. Other than those few things, this server is amazing!

    Strengths: I am pretty mature now, and know how to handle trolls, and misbehaving players. I still work at Arby's, and got another job in customer service at a movie theater, so I definitely know customer service and social skills. I am a lot less quick to anger, and like to look at all sides of the situation before coming to a conclusion. I am understanding, apologetic, and forgiving. I am also a great listener. If anyone ever needs anything, Minecraft related or not, I will always be here to help them.

    Weaknesses: I still have a tendency to talk back to people, but definitely not as much as before. Next year will be my senior year in high school, so I might be studying a lot more and looking for colleges. I ask too many questions sometimes and I guess that leads to annoying some people, but that is not my intention. I also over apologize which I do not mean to do.

    Why are you applying: I am applying because I would love to give back to the community who has helped me so much. I don't want anything in return for helping others, it's just in my nature and in my blood. I look up to a lot of the staff on here, and I would love to help them out and hopefully inspire someone else.

    Time Played on CraftyMynes: 14,286,686

    If you could pick one thing about yourself to change what would it be, why would you change it and how would you change it?: To be quite honest, I would change my outlook on negative situations. Instead of seeing all the bad and "testing" my friends and stuff like that I would try to find the positive. Like hey, at least I have friends. I would change this because I am letting my past control my future if I don't. I want to be in charge of my own future, and I want to finally be able to see the good in everything. I would change this by thinking about what to say before I say it, or what to do before I do it. It won't be easy, but nothing worth having ever is.

    Any Additional Information or notes: Thank you guys for always being there for me. And thank you for taking time to consider my application. I love y’all and this server so much! <3

  9. Tue Apr 14 16:06:17 2020
    shepherda started the conversation shepherda's staff application 2.

    shepherda's staff application

    In game name: shepherda


    Timezone: EST/Southern US

    Strengths: I have been playing on CraftyMynes now for a while, and call this server my home. I know pretty much all of the long-time players, and get along with pretty much everyone who is nice. I am very helpful, and actually want to be a cop after I graduate high school. I am on a lot, when I am not I am probably in chemistry class, so I will be able to help those who need it very quickly. I am also very dependable. If anyone needs a friend to just sit and listen to them, I do that. I have a job at Arby’s, which has taught me a lot about customer service, and how to handle situations. So I will be very experienced when it comes to breaking up fights, or mean players. Overall, I think I would be a very nice, patient, and dependable helper.

    Weaknesses: I do have a bit of a temper as well. But I can be easily calmed down, and it takes a bit to get me to be angry. Also I am literally terrible at math and redstone. And pvp is just terrible. I suck at that.

    Why Am I Applying: I am applying for the helper position, because I love to help people. It makes me feel great when I help someone, and they return the favor and help others. I do not ask for anything in return for helping people, and will help them with issues outside of the server if it really is bugging them. Basically, I love this server, and the staff have done so much for me, and I would love to help keep the reputation of the server’s nice staff. I would also love to give back to the CraftyMynes community for not giving up on me, and helping them in return.

    Number of Ticks: 14,286,686

    Custom Note: Thank you guys for always being there for me. And thank you for taking time to consider my application. I love y’all and this server so much! <3

  10. 5 years ago
    Thu Oct 31 23:36:55 2019
    shepherda started the conversation shepherda's staff application.

    shepherda’s Staff Application

    In Game Name: shepherda

    Age: 17

    Timezone: EST/ Southern US

    Strengths: I have been playing on CraftyMynes now for a while, and call this server my home. I know pretty much all of the long-time players, and get along with pretty much everyone who is nice. I am very helpful, and actually want to be a cop after I graduate high school. I am on a lot, when I am not I am probably in chemistry class, so I will be able to help those who need it very quickly. I am also very dependable. If anyone needs a friend to just sit and listen to them, I do that. I have a job at Arby’s, which has taught me a lot about customer service, and how to handle situations. So I will be very experienced when it comes to breaking up fights, or mean players. Overall, I think I would be a very nice, patient, and dependable helper.

    Weaknesses: I do have bad anxiety, and some situations that are big, stress me out easily. I will try my best to handle them, before getting a higher rank/ other helper involved. I do have a bit of a temper as well. But I can be easily calmed down, and it takes a bit to get me to be angry. Also I am literally terrible at math and redstone. And pvp is just terrible. I suck at that.

    Why Am I Applying: I am applying for the helper position, because I love to help people. It makes me feel great when I help someone, and they return the favor and help others. I do not ask for anything in return for helping people, and will help them with issues outside of the server if it really is bugging them. Basically, I love this server, and the staff have done so much for me, and I would love to help keep the reputation of the server’s nice staff. I would also love to give back to the CraftyMynes community for not giving up on me, and helping them in return.

    Number of Ticks: 10,018,564

    Custom Note: Thank you guys for always being there for me. And thank you for taking time to consider my application. I love y’all and this server so much! <3

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