
Last active 11 months ago

  1. last year
    Sat Aug 13 22:11:13 2022
    PookDGuru posted in Simulation distance.

    *tentatively returns*

  2. 2 years ago
    Fri Jun 3 01:32:15 2022
    PookDGuru posted in Simulation distance.

    I haven't been on here in a few months now. Has creeper spawning been fixed? That was pretty much the reason I bailed, I couldn't bother if I can't fly.

  3. Thu Mar 24 14:15:25 2022
    PookDGuru posted in Simulation distance.

    Ah that explains why my farms don't work. Bummer

  4. 3 years ago
    Mon Sep 28 16:04:57 2020
    PookDGuru posted in A new shop on craftymynes!.

    selling gunpowder, 1.5 diamonds per 0.3 stacks

  5. Fri Sep 11 04:43:19 2020
    PookDGuru started the conversation PookDGuru's Staff Application.

    In Game Name: PookDGuru

    Age: 25

    Time Zone: -8:00 PST

    Tell us a bit about yourself: I have only played on CM for a couple years. I am familiar with the rules and the chat moderation seems pretty straightforward. I feel I am fairly observant of the chat so I may as well be able to help with the moderators' workloads.

    My weaknesses are that I may not be as active in the discord or ts, but if it's a requirement for staff I'll gladly check in when necessary (I am somewhat shy).

    Why you are applying:
    I am applying because I am on here all the time and I might as well help moderate chat, since I am somewhat older than a portion of the players and have the wisdom to make decisions, or at the very least, hand out warnings. Also, I am familiar with the specs/commands/rules of the server (and have been playing minecraft since 1.5 beta) so I have plenty of knowledge to help with. Helper would be a great position for me!

    Time Played on CraftyMynes (ticks): my total time on Minecraft statistics is 605 hours. I am over 26 mil (edit) on the 1.16 map currently.

    If you could pick one thing about yourself to change what would it be, why would you change it and how would you change it:
    I have pretty bad anxiety, but I'm working on it! I can be uncomfortable--as I said I am shy--but I am confident I should have no issue helping newcomers find their way and keeping the workload of the mods and admins low!


  6. 4 years ago
    Sun Aug 25 21:13:21 2019
    PookDGuru joined the forum.