
Last active 4 years ago

  1. 4 years ago
    Tue Jul 14 09:22:21 2020
    BlueNinjaKitten posted in voting not working.

    I feel like its a random chance of the vote sites working for mr tho rn cause I voted on mcsl and now it works but 2 days ago it didn't and another one worked

  2. Tue Jul 14 09:20:13 2020
    BlueNinjaKitten posted in voting not working.

    idk what it was cause it was some error message and then it tought I voted cause of that

  3. Mon Jul 13 20:49:45 2020
    BlueNinjaKitten posted in voting not working.

    fred i have and crafty
    mcsl idk cause it thinks I already voted
    Minecraft mp idk cause it thinks I already voted to
    Minecraft servers thinks it to
    topg says thanks for voting

  4. Mon Jul 13 10:30:16 2020
    BlueNinjaKitten started the conversation voting not working.

    I can't vote on any of the vote sites anymore and enderconstructer can't either. if i click the page not displaying corectly button theres the same problem there. so I can't vote rn

  5. 5 years ago
    Mon Nov 4 20:11:55 2019
    BlueNinjaKitten started the conversation BlueNinjaKitten,s Staff application.

    IGN= BlueNinjaKitten
    Strengths=I know a lot about Minecraft/updates and im good at redstone/building
    Weaknesses=4+ people asking me questions at the same time and I'm bad at pvp
    Why I am Aplying=I like the craftymynes server and want to help people
    Time Played On Craftymynes= 10385147ticks
    Custom Note=im friendly and I play daily and I have been playing Minecraft for 5 years now

  6. Sat Sep 14 10:35:56 2019
    BlueNinjaKitten joined the forum.