
Last active 5 years ago

  1. 5 years ago
    Mon Oct 21 03:21:30 2019
    orc2004 started the conversation Quitting server here are my base cords.

    Quitting the server my base cords are -7778.300/254/4621.550

  2. Wed Oct 16 23:02:00 2019
    orc2004 posted in Toxicity?.

    Dw Kopi not talking about you you were awesome and helped me a lot thank you hope to see you after the ban

  3. Wed Oct 16 14:29:07 2019
    orc2004 started the conversation Toxicity?.

    Hi I would like to start off by saying that I’m not against the rules and I see the value of having them in place. I don’t however understand why a server with toxic elements such as griefing, tp killing, lying, no claims, etc; would have strict policies against toxicity it just seems kind of ironic.

  4. Wed Oct 16 03:05:38 2019
    orc2004 started the conversation orc2004 ban appeal.

    Reason banned: I was banned for disgusting language in general chat and pm after being baited and loosing all of my items.

    I said in general chat "death to _____" and "down with _____". I also said some pretty harsh things to the player in pm that killed me after he appeared to be friendly. I was trying to hurt him after he hurt me (as I lost a lot of stuff and he had helped me up to this point).

    Reason I should be unbanned: In the future I won't use abusive language in the pm's and work on not letting my emotions get the best of me. I regret what I said and hope to be able to play again as I was having a good time up to that point

  5. Wed Oct 16 03:01:54 2019
    orc2004 joined the forum.