
Last active 5 years ago

  1. 5 years ago
    Tue Dec 17 21:30:13 2019
    Viirt started the conversation Viirt's Ban Appeal.

    Title of the thread: Viirt's Ban Appeal

    In Game Name: Viirt

    Reason for your ban: Racism

    Why should you be unbanned: I honestly don't even remember coming on the server, but a couple of my friends have started to play here and I would like to be apart of the community. My account (shit excuse) was actually hacked a while ago and I didn't find out until around last month. If it was still me, however, oops. I promise to abide by your chat regulations and be a respectful player on your server!

  2. Tue Dec 17 21:24:58 2019
    Viirt joined the forum.