Last active 5 years ago
In Game Name: tenefixx
Age: 18
Time Zone: UTC +4
Strengths: I'm always kind and polite, i'm trying to help newcomers and other people as I can and I never injure anyone regardless of the situation. ^^
Weaknesses: I'm easily deseperated of people that destroy things for fun and I'm a bit rancorous, if someone destroy something that i've created or something that anyone created, i'll remember about this person. Also, that's not really a weakness, but as I am French, I may do some gramatical mistakes.
Why you are Applying: I noticed that at the moment I'm connected on the server, there are some moments where there aren't a lot of Helpers or any other staff members. As some people type some inapropriate things on the chat at these moments, I d'like to be able to tell them to stop it. Also, as my ancient favorite server as closed and was a little vanilla server such as this one, I really enjoy to be able to play Vanilla like I use to do and I wan't to be useful to this server ^^
Time Played on CraftyMynes (ticks): 10 320 000
Custom Note (optional): I saw that a lot of people can trust each others on the server, and that's perfectly legit from them, as everybody can betray each other. I ve met a lot of kind people on this server that are thinking that we shall all try to make people trust others, so, i d like to organize some events where people could meet other people (and earn some cool stuff), such as tournaments, or teamplay games. ^^