
Last active 3 years ago

  1. 4 years ago
    Mon Jul 20 03:34:02 2020
    akurokatari posted in New Word Association.


  2. Thu Jun 18 10:03:58 2020
    akurokatari posted in There's Something In The Air....

    Any insight on when you plan on resetting the server?

  3. Tue May 19 21:02:45 2020
    akurokatari posted in New Word Association.

    Russian roulette

  4. Fri Apr 24 22:37:03 2020
    akurokatari started the conversation Fortune GPick.

    I've been stacking on fortune III GPicks, which I do not need, but I am willing to trade them for Silk Touch GPick or the appropriate amount of diamonds. I'll also have more in the future, if you wanna keep in touch.

  5. Wed Apr 22 02:01:09 2020
    akurokatari posted in Valley of Furnaces.

    Fist bump to anyone who contributed, awesome work!

  6. Tue Apr 21 01:40:26 2020
    akurokatari posted in *ALL NEW* Selling Gun Powder.

    I was actually about to order one! I'll let you guys know when we're online at the same time :P

  7. Mon Apr 20 14:13:19 2020
    akurokatari posted in Map Project.

    It only take 10-15 minutes by flying, to fill a 1/4 scaled map, so it should be pretty doable that way. Just gotta commit and have banners ahah

  8. Sat Apr 18 18:26:33 2020
    akurokatari started the conversation akurokatari's Staff Application.


    Age: 26

    Eastern Time Zone

    Hello! I've been playing since January 2020, roughly, so I am still a fairly new player. I liked this server because having simple command while playing vanilla offered a different experience than the usual solo game-play I was used to. (Also, as little difference as this can make, the server is located literally 5 hours drive from where I live, so I always have a pretty decent ping, which is an important factor for me). I wouldn't go as far as to say that there's thing that I "hate" about the server, but I would definitely enjoy a bigger map! Tho in fact, I know full well that it's not an easy request ahah.

    As a person, I tend to be peculiar in some aspect. I like to help other, but I don't go out of my way for them, I'd rather give tips and let them experience it themselves. I do not enjoy conflict, so I either try to mediate, or I stay out of it. I am very meticulous when doing things, but at the same time I can be quite lazy, which is something I'd like to change about myself xD. I am also quite the hermit, in general. I get along with people, but I don't over socialize with them, tho sometime it is quite enjoyable to do something in group.

    I am applying because I've grown attached to this server and wanted to contributed more to it. Helping people is in my nature to begin with, so that wouldn't hurt helping a big more right?

    Time Played on CraftyMynes: 22 485 125 Ticks

    If you could pick one thing about yourself to change what would it be, why would you change it and how would you change it:

    Sometime, doubting myself, I refrain from taking action, just to realized I SHOULD have acted. I missed too much in life because of that. Now, I try not to overthink too much before doing something, having more confidence in myself also helped a lot. But there's still work to do so, only progression matter I guess?

    Thanks for considering my application!

  9. 5 years ago
    Thu Feb 27 13:13:38 2020
    akurokatari joined the forum.