
Last active 2 years ago

  1. 2 years ago
    Mon Aug 1 23:24:44 2022
    Tezzer posted in New Word Association.


  2. Thu Jul 7 23:07:27 2022
    Tezzer started the conversation OG basemate ?.

    Any OG players looking for an OG base mate atleast for a short while i get on my feet.

  3. 6 years ago
    Sun Sep 9 00:45:15 2018

    You know Valgys did a trade for rank like only a month ago or so?

  4. Sat Aug 25 18:24:27 2018
    Tezzer posted in Have you seen my trident?.

    Yeah its weird because the chunk was loaded It was only about 20 blocks from where I was, but oh well.

  5. Thu Aug 23 22:35:07 2018
    Tezzer started the conversation Have you seen my trident?.

    Any chance for compensation for a lost trident of the name POG which had loyalty 3, Impaling 5, Unbreaking 3, Mending which i threw in spawn and then never came back? Just wondered because I only had it for like 15mins and now im very sad. :P


    P.S. Don't throw tridents in spawn they may not return.
    sad times

  6. Fri Aug 17 21:46:25 2018

    The lightning strikes can be used to find near by locations to peoples bases giving close coords I believe.

  7. Fri Aug 17 21:14:52 2018

    Fair enough, thanks for saying why its gone though.

  8. Fri Aug 17 21:06:36 2018
    Tezzer started the conversation Rain, Rain, go away... Come back another day? .

    I have realised that the rain has been turned off, was just wondering if it will ever be turned on. Is this a temporary thing? I get that there is obviously a good reason for it being turned off but if it isn't too important can I ask that it be turned back on? This is because it takes away a part of the game, especially some new editions that people want to try out like the trident enchantments but also old features like getting supercharged creepers or even blowing mobs up with them to get heads.

    Anyway, just wanted to know if it will be coming back any time soon or not.

    Kind Regards,

  9. Sun Jul 22 17:08:27 2018

    Why did Sally fall off of the swing?
    She had no arms.

    Knock Knock,

    Who's There?

    Not Sally.

  10. Tue Jul 3 22:24:16 2018
    Tezzer posted in I'm Nostalgic.

    Also anyone know how to make the push to talk on discord work? Maybe you can talk me through it.

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