
Last active 3 days ago

  1. 3 months ago
    Sun Oct 13 20:29:31 2024
    fishhead261 posted in CraftyMynes 10th Birthday.

    Thanks, Crafty! Playing on your server has given me some of my happiest moments and got me through some uncertain times. I've seen many servers come and go over the years and CraftyMynes' 10th birthday is a testament to your dedication. It's been great to have been a part of the server for over 4 years and I hope to see this community live long into the future!

  2. last year
    Wed Oct 11 18:12:52 2023

    I like this idea, more votes seem to be the way forward.

    I was lucky enough to get my VIP rank from the community piggy bank filling up, which is very rare. I once voted for long enough to get a vote crate and was a bit disappointed with the items I received. Remembering to vote 4 times every day for a month isn't the easiest thing to achieve and I would have hoped for a better reward. I pretty much stopped voting after this, I'm lazy.

    I would like to suggest a voter rank, and give it access to the third .sethome that VIPs and above get access to. I suggest that after 10, 15, 20, whatever days of daily voting, this rank is given to the player. HOWEVER, unlike VIP and all of the current ranks, as soon as the daily voting discontinues, the rank is removed and to regain access to the 3rd home the player has to once again vote daily until they reached the required vote streak to regain the rank.

    This voting rank would be perfect, especially for my alt account. The VIP .home perks would make me continue voting daily for that account. A 7-day streak seems about right to be given the voter rank. Missing a day means you lose the rank, so you have to get to the 7-day streak again to get the rank back.

    If you already have the VIP rank, it just means you don't have to vote every single day to keep the perks. I think the voter rank would fit in nicely and wouldn't negatively affect the current rank system.

    It may even be possible to include voting perks for the current ranks, maybe making everyone's final .home free if they keep the vote streak up?

    Happy Birthday to the server!


  3. Wed Sep 6 21:50:15 2023
    fishhead261 posted in Worldborder size doubled.

    @birdfrock so also what you're saying is if we don't log in for 6 months our base or build could be deleted and reset?

    Only if there is no .home or player bed present there. Otherwise it will be fine

  4. Tue Jul 18 21:55:03 2023
    fishhead261 started the conversation Chicken.


  5. Fri Jun 9 17:08:48 2023
    fishhead261 started the conversation fishhead261's Ban Appeal.

    In-game Name: fishhead261

    Reason for your ban:

    Disrespecting Staff - Killed a jailed staff member against wishes of admin team.

    Why I should be unbanned:

    I won't disrespect staff again. I thought it would be funny and couldn't resist the temptation of such an easy kill at spawn. I did not expect to be banned at the time, however I understand that my actions were in direct violation of the server rules. In the future, I will not interfere with any testing being completed by admins and will always follow their instructions.

    I would like to use this forum post as an opportunity to apologise to all staff members involved.

    Thank you

  6. 2 years ago
    Sun Aug 21 22:40:31 2022
    fishhead261 posted in Hello.

    My personal favourite:


  7. 3 years ago
    Tue Feb 16 01:59:13 2021
    fishhead261 posted in The Selfie Thread!!.

    Bit of an old one

  8. 4 years ago
    Sat Jan 30 04:00:41 2021

    I just did .survival from my base while holding my netherite chestplate. Turns out it dropped on the floor for me during the teleport, so it was back at my base when I came back. I'm not sure whether this is always the case but it didn't just disappear for me.

  9. Wed Oct 28 00:38:54 2020
    fishhead261 started the conversation fishhead261's Ban Appeal.

    In Game Name: fishhead261
    Reason for my ban: Not listening to staff (Lavacasting over 0,0)
    Why I should be unbanned:
    This lavacast took me 3 hours to make, and yes I did ignore repeated warnings from admins to not lavacast over 0,0. I wasn't checked on and I did just that. I'm sorry.

    In making this lavacast, I did for a time bring the server together for a bit of a laugh and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves (except for the mods and admins). That makes sense as they did have to remove my mess. I believe I should be unbanned because this is my first offence on the server (I have 3.8 million ticks) and I won't repeat it. I believe some players were willing to start a petition to unban me but we'll see. I am sorry for ignoring the admins and mods. Like I said, this won't happen again. I have been a long time player on this server and I thought it would be a bit of a laugh, despite ignoring rules. I'm sorry for pissing you off, I understand that was annoying to sort out and required a /time set day command.



  10. Wed Oct 28 00:25:55 2020
    fishhead261 joined the forum.