Last active 5 years ago
@drkc97 i would suggest going with 2 sticks of ram that are 4 gigabytes each since dual channel is significantly better, and i would also advise you to go for a harddrive from a reputible brand if you plan to keep anything of importance on it. You may also want to put money at a power supply from a brand with a good name to uphold since a bad psu can easily kill a system. I will add a modified list to the thread for you when im at my pc.
I think the developers figuring out how to use more than 1 cpu thread would help too
Could you set up a command that is like if score = 0 then random number >0 to still have a score showing for @JuraraJupiter 's idea about tpa ids in tab
@JSN_ if u tryna go for better gaming performance go for better processor more or a better gpu or if u want overall working performance just follow these
Actually you have that backwards, the processor helps with work more than gpu, and the gpu gives more increases in gaming performance
It looks like he is using full sand unless thats his endcap @sknup
@WBlaine Again, let's try to keep this thread on topic. If you want to discuss actual achievements you have earned, post it here!
I, for one, have minimal achievements :/
Please keep it on topic guys
Just blow it out with either a can of compressed air or an air compressor, both are much safer for the components of your pc
Ive been playing it a lot lately, ill add ya on social club, same name as here
@TheMightyDrex "Crafty rejects your offering"
Spits the item back out
do that for everything lol
i think the borders are a cool lil detail that should be on all or none as a touch of added conscistency