Last active 2 days ago
I got the How Did We Get Here achievement on Crafty Mynes, and recorded it this time.
The achievement is granted for having every survival-obtainable effect at once. In 1.21, there are 33 effects to get. If you're curious, those effects are, in the order I got them: water breathing, hero of the village, trial omen, mining fatigue, speed, haste, resistance, jump boost, strength, regeneration, darkness, conduit power, fire resistance, night vision, invisibility, weaving, oozing, infested, wind charged, absorption, weakness, slowness, slow falling, raid omen, bad omen, poison, hunger, nausea, levitation, glowing, dolphin's grace, wither, and blindness.
I like this achievement as a challenge because it requires a lot of resource gathering, scouting, mob wrangling, and general preparation to pull off. Try this if you're looking for a challenge!