
Last active 4 years ago

  1. 6 years ago
    Tue May 8 18:41:24 2018
    RebelGamer101 posted in Humfry's House of Color 2.0.

    Hi Humfry. Just putting in an order for five shulker boxes.

  2. 8 years ago
    Wed Feb 22 17:59:43 2017
    RebelGamer101 posted in A castle.

    @OPtimusjag @Dennari43 we need to do sth cool like this!

    @Dennari43 @OPtimusjag what, my castle isn't cool enough for you? :P

    I'm sure it's great. I'd like to see what you guys have built if you haven't shared on the show and tell yet. Or if you build something grand, be sure to share it :D

    It helps to get ideas from each other.

  3. Tue Feb 21 16:37:31 2017
    RebelGamer101 posted in A castle.

    @OPtimusjag any pics without the txture pack? :P
    looks awesome doe

    It makes my eyes bleed because the lack of detailing is so noticeable, but here ya go :P
    I'll eventually get around to adding variations in the bricks among other things to make it less plain.







  4. Tue Feb 21 03:04:38 2017
    RebelGamer101 posted in A castle.

    An Update on my base. It's come a long way. Still a long way to go though. I scrapped my previous plans for a straight up castle since there are so many being built and decided to go for a vampire cathedralesque type build. I would guess that I'm 60% of the way done with the outside. Most of the inside still needs to be gutted of natural terrain and have rooms and hallways put in. At the moment it's basically just a shell or facade with nothing in it.

    Future plans include a graveyard surrounding it once I've terraformed and then catacombs beneath it. It's a rather large build at around 7x5 chunks so it will still be some time before I see it finished.





  5. Sat Feb 18 18:37:00 2017
    RebelGamer101 posted in A question for staff.

    Hyperclocks used to cause a ton of lag. Was that fixed?

  6. Fri Feb 17 15:39:49 2017
    RebelGamer101 posted in Creativity.

    @Tez1010 No you havent broke my thread, not at all. I was trying to encourage others to add to the thread and not in anyway say your entries were not appropriate. Indeed they are just the kind of thing i was hoping people would add! :)

    I am interested in how you make the animations. Are they manual drawing, models or computer models. Please tell us a little more about them.

    I thought maybe I went off-topic :P

    The animations I posted were for an idea I had about a let's play series that fused survival gameplay (heavily modded of course) with cinematic cut scenes by way of my animations. I was working on a creative world with most major events staged for later conversion to an adventure/story world. As far as I ever got was some promo gameplay footage and some test animations. Just this small bit was months of work and I eventually burned out on the idea and scrapped it.

    How I did the animations was in a program called mine-imator which was designed specifically for minecraft animations. I tried a little with Blender and have done other things with 3d studio max for example, but mine-imator was great for what I was looking to do. It's basically a 3d animation program, pretty straight-forward and not too involved as far as learning to use it.

    For the props, I would build what I needed in creative mode, extract it with MC-Edit, and import it into mine-imator to use in my scenes. If you look at the gun for instance in Edward's hand on the ACIV motion wallpaper, you'll see that it is just a build from minecraft that I imported and scaled down.

    The character models for the zombies in the zombie head explosion video are actually not from minecraft but unique character rigs I created using photoshop and mine-imator. The guns however in that video are props made with minecraft.

    The mansion and gun in the first video are entirely minecraft builds. I built the mansion in creative mode and greenscreened it into the animation. The shadows and lighting are artificial however and were created in Mine-imator to help blend the scene.

    I also used Adobe After Effects for a lot of the post processing effects. Lighting, particle effects, muzzle flashes, and so on. The first, third, and fifth video were heavily edited in After Effects.

  7. Fri Feb 17 14:06:31 2017
    RebelGamer101 posted in Creativity.

    I think you misunderstand about my animations. I did use creative mode to create the props and backgrounds (the guns and mansion for isntance). I don't have any other creative mode builds apart from these. Sorry if I broke your thread.

  8. Thu Feb 16 22:31:59 2017
    RebelGamer101 posted in Creativity.

    I actually hate creative mode just for the sake of creative mode. The game becomes extremely boring. That being said, I have used creative mode in the past for some failed art and animation projects that I never did anything with or took to the next level - mostly because I got bored and moved on to my next thing. Dunno if it's ADD or what, but I have the unfortunate habit of never finishing what I start.

    But here are some unfinished clips of what I was doing a couple of years ago in which I used creative mode for props and backgrounds to be green-screened into my animations.

  9. Sun Feb 12 23:21:16 2017
    RebelGamer101 posted in Video editing help anyone?.

    I've never heard of that one. I use Adobe After Effects. I'm sure there are plenty of tuts on YouTube you could use. I could prolly give you advice or help with encoding though if you need any. I'm not sure how limited the encoding is on that software, but always try and use the h264 codec for faster compression and best quality/file size ratio if it supports it, especially if the resolution you're going for is 1080p or higher or if the videos are long.

    As far as any post-processing or other effects, you're probably better off searching YouTube or Google for video and text tutorials.

  10. Fri Feb 10 20:35:18 2017
    RebelGamer101 posted in Can't open MC.

    The launcher doesn't open at all? Or is it just the game that won't open? If the launcher won't open, make sure Java SE Binary isn't running in your task manager. I guess you did that already though. Seems like this happened to me before. I think I tried reinstalling Java first. Also remember something about deleting certain files in your Minecraft directory and letting the launcher rebuild them. But I wouldn't know what files those were any more.

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