
Last active last year

  1. last year
    Wed Jul 19 21:53:32 2023
    PinkDivine started the conversation Ultraprox.

    They said the n word, then a while later did it again, but I didn't take a screenshot.

  2. Mon Jan 9 06:53:01 2023
    PinkDivine started the conversation Ad0lf_H1lter Spamming.

    They were spam whispering us trying to get the server to kick us.


  3. Mon Jan 9 06:11:41 2023
    PinkDivine started the conversation Ad0lf_H1lter.

    Their name is hitler. I don't think that's allowed.


  4. Mon Jan 9 06:06:01 2023
    PinkDivine joined the forum.