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  1. 10 months ago
    Tue Sep 5 21:19:46 2023

    I mean yeah, if it had been you guys I would've just found that everything got... renovated, but instead they did this


    and for some reason stole my slimeballs but didn't steal my beacons and dbs lol.

  2. Tue Sep 5 12:56:20 2023
    Electrune started the conversation Pics of my base before it gets griefed..

    So... I've been working on building the Parthenon these last few weeks, but since someone found the place and left clear signs of it; and since the size of the map was increased anyway, I'm leaving it and moving to another place further from 0 0, and definitely not building above ground again.

    The build is 203W x 95L x 65H, requires about 150k cobble and 75k diorite, among others, and I was halfway done; it's not finished, but I'm sharing it anyway since it could get griefed by whoever found it and cuz why not.




  3. 11 months ago
    Mon Aug 7 17:26:19 2023
    Electrune posted in Cats Only. .

    She a bit ugly, forgive her.


  4. Thu Aug 3 21:23:55 2023
    Electrune posted in The Selfie Thread!!.

    Over a year without selfies, so here's 20 yo me.


  5. last year
    Sat Jul 1 20:42:49 2023
    Electrune joined the forum.