
Last active last year

  1. last year
    Thu Jul 27 04:35:30 2023
    ____Cash____ started the conversation ____Cash____ 's Ban Appeal.

    Title of the thread: ____Cash____ 's Ban Appeal

    In Game Name: ____Cash____

    Reason for your ban:x rays

    Why should you be unbanned: I think, I should be unbanned because I have no life, no friends, no money, no hoes, nothing, and this is these the only thing I found enjoyment on. So please, i begging.

  2. Thu Jul 27 00:28:18 2023
    ____Cash____ started the conversation ____Cash____ Ban Appeal.

    Title of the thread: ____Cash____ 's Ban Appeal

    In Game Name: ____Cash____

    Reason for your ban: X-raying

    Why should you be unbanned: I think, I should be unbanned because I won’t x-ray again and I wanna play with my friends, and I regret and I am sorry for x-raying. And to be honest, i was testing to see if me and my friends could x-ray and not get caught. I have learned from my mistakes and I think I should be unbanned.

  3. Thu Jul 27 00:17:36 2023
    ____Cash____ joined the forum.