
Last active 6 days ago

  1. 4 weeks ago
    Tue Jun 25 08:04:36 2024
    Th3GreenGamer posted in Pardon Appeal: ThePhoenix.

    @j____a____r____d Crafty does own the server -- but, he, and you, and the rest of the admins, since Green said the "admins and Crafty" came to the decision, should be able to explain why Phoenix was pardoned for using schematic mods, and how that logic doesn't also exempt the actions of previously banned "cheaters" -- for example, the countless number of people using Lunar Client for minimaps (which have been accepted recently) and the armor hud (which is being replicated by other client side mods).

    If there is a change to the rules that relaxes the punishments for what mods can and can not be used, this needs to be codified in a rule. It can not be decided by staff secretly making a decision in a private Discord channel that nobody from the outside can scrutinize. That's just a sheer lack of transparency, and again casts doubt on whether the staff can consistently enforce rules in this community in the first place.

    (I cut out everything I'm not responding to for simplicity)
    For the part I bolded: This is an easy one. We are trying to come to a more reasonable approach to somebody seen to be using Lunar, schematic mods or hud mods etc. that are not cheating mods. We won't be unbanning all previous accounts banned for these things because we don't recall the specific circumstance of every single ban in the past 10 years. Not to mention that it's a monumental task for almost no returns. Maybe if they specifically appeal it would be considered, I don't know. And don't take that previous sentence as gospel, it's just my thought personally.

    Anyways point is we haven't come to a firm, written rule on those situations yet. Current idea is that it's something we intend to give a last warning on, instead of an immediate ban. We overturned a ban for a long-time player before we actually got to putting it down on (digital) paper because it was a reasonable thing to do.
    Also there was no exchange between any staff and Phoenix about the ban. I don't believe Crafty and Phoenix had ever even spoken to eachother.

  2. Tue Jun 25 00:39:13 2024
    Th3GreenGamer posted in Unban appeal.

    The admins and Crafty have discussed this and decided to overturn the ban. @ThePhoenix , you will be on high alert however. If you are seen using any unapproved mod you will be immediately banned with zero chance of return.

    Your account has been tentatively pardoned. Be more careful, you will not get another chance.

  3. 5 weeks ago
    Mon Jun 17 15:42:39 2024
    Th3GreenGamer posted in Parkour Hub and New Courses Now Open!.

    A dome in an End-like area? Hmm, I'm sensing a theme with you...

  4. 4 months ago
    Sun Mar 10 23:02:17 2024
    Th3GreenGamer posted in Old Dog misses old Friends.

    Hello. I’m still around sparingly.

  5. 8 months ago
    Thu Nov 2 01:53:58 2023
    Th3GreenGamer posted in Buying SILENCE armor trim.

    This one:

  6. 10 months ago
    Thu Sep 21 18:14:38 2023

    @CraftyMyner If we go semi-vanilla, it's hard to go back. Do we try to switch categories for a week or month and then make a decision if we see more players?

    I think this would be wise. My hypothesis is that we will not see an increase.

    P.S: I know I could have just pm'd you my opinion but I figure others might agree.

  7. 11 months ago
    Mon Aug 21 17:44:59 2023
    Th3GreenGamer posted in Cats Only. .

    @ImKopi We just got adopted 4 days ago. My husband opened the patio door to let our dogs out to potty and this little guy literally walked into the door, over to the water bowl, drank some water, and passed out on the floor.

    We took him to the vet, no microchip, is declawed, matted to hell, starving, and just so weak. Also walking odd so we think he was probably hit by something and it just never healed right or the mats are so bad they're causing it so getting him a full shave in the next few weeks after he's a bit stronger. We gonna Bingus-ify him lol. So we gave him some baths, got him his important vaccines, some strong antibiotics to fight his cold, and removed some of the mats along his spine. We also learned yesterday that he is deaf. Vet said he was legit hours, maybe days away from death. So now he lives here. First pic is the day he walked in, the second pic is just 3 days later. Every day he's getting stronger, he's finally out of pure survival mode and starting to act like a cat now. Our other pets LOVE him and he seems to really like them too. :)

    Welcome to the family Tachima the Shadow Rogue!



    Woah, that’s an incredible story. I wish you, your husband and little Tachima all the best. Hopefully he recovers quickly! Poor little guy.

  8. last year
    Wed Jul 19 22:32:50 2023
    Th3GreenGamer posted in Ultraprox.

    This was also reported on our Discord server. If we see this person again we will give them a big warning.

  9. Fri Jul 14 02:44:19 2023
    Th3GreenGamer posted in 1.20 Wild Map.

    Absolutely awesome! Must have taken ages. Very impressive.

  10. Wed Jun 14 11:06:03 2023
    Th3GreenGamer posted in Cellexya's Assorted Goods.

    God damn those are good prices.

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