
Last active 4 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Tue Aug 23 22:10:14 2016
    4Kirb posted in My Powered Piston *BUG*.

    -image- This is the result:

  2. Tue Aug 23 22:09:10 2016
    4Kirb posted in My Powered Piston *BUG*.

    It was not a bud as it did not respond to any block updates, it was just weirdly powered.

  3. Tue Aug 23 21:48:54 2016
    4Kirb posted in My Powered Piston *BUG*.

    fixed, the contraption above was powering it, somehow

  4. Tue Aug 23 21:44:08 2016
    4Kirb posted in My Powered Piston *BUG*.

    fixed, the contraption above was powering it, somehow.
    Ghostassasin, It was still powered when i replaced it.

  5. Tue Aug 23 21:37:43 2016
    4Kirb started the conversation My Powered Piston *BUG*.

    My Powered Piston, Seperated, Is always on. Help. -image-
    From a different angle: -image-

  6. Wed Jun 29 10:00:06 2016
    4Kirb posted in Vanilla Shop?!? Maybe?.

    One word, Elytra. Voting already grants wealth just takes a long time. If 75 votes gives a total of 40-ish diamonds blocks you can work out you get 5 diamonds per vote, so when you say that voting doesn't give people wealth I don't know what the hell your talking about. Now, you talk about the weakening of the price of emeralds and diamonds, cause at the moment they are the main currency people like to trade in, however... If you decided to replace the emeralds and diamonds you are just going to make crafty coins decrease in price, depending on what currency is predominant, Decreasing the price of it could result in the vote giving less money which was another concern of yours. While diamonds would retain a healthy price because you wouldn't be swapping them.

  7. Tue Jun 28 17:31:10 2016
    4Kirb posted in Vanilla Shop?!? Maybe?.

    Good point, but when you have to advertise in chat every now an again about buying "Resource here" for "price" it clutters the chat and makes a problem when half the people want to talk to people about "stuff" and the other half want to sell items. Economically yes, Huge change would make a huge impact. I'm thinking of ways it could do minimal damage. On the point of integrity, trading is the main aspect here but as stated earlier is painful to partake in.

  8. Tue Jun 28 16:44:41 2016
    4Kirb started the conversation Witty Pickaxe names:.

    "A Ground breaking discovery"

    Post yours down below...

  9. Tue Jun 28 16:29:52 2016
    4Kirb started the conversation Vanilla Shop?!? Maybe?.

    Basically, Vanilla Shops for Crafty Coins?
    This would be the basic mechanic:
    Clickable Signs -
    Each item would have a buy and sell price in crafty coins. The buy sign would only have to check for coins and take away an amount and give the item, while the sell price would take away the item and give the coins.
    any questions below please?

  10. Tue Jun 28 16:21:18 2016
    4Kirb joined the forum.