Last active 8 years ago
Can i be unbanned now?
Can i be unbanned now? its been 24 hours
Title of the thread: michaelrox5270's Ban Appeal
In Game Name: michaelrox5270
Reason for your ban: Spamming
Why should you be unbanned: When i was spamming supposedly, my friend had taken control of my computer. I read earlier forum posts and I know Nysic, you don't believe people when they say that. I know that doesn't excuse anything, but it's just fyi. I don't believe my friend had received a warning and that is why i feel I should be unbanned. Also, will I be banned forever if the appeal is denied?
I was banned for spamming. My friend had taken control of my computer and had written a lot of random messages.
It was only 5 messages, and I don't believe that he had received a warning.
Am i going to be banned forever? Because I promise he'll never do it again.