
Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Fri Jul 1 00:12:37 2016
    A_Monkey started the conversation A_Monkey's Ban Appeal.

    Title of the thread: A_Monkey's Ban Appeal

    In Game Name: A_Monkey

    Reason for your ban: Using Flight Glitch with Elytra, Admin mistook it for Fly Hacks.

    (Supplied Proof of glitch and macro to gain height quickly
    https://imgur.com/y9Bb1eM )

    Why should you be unbanned: I will stop using this and return to the old Punch2 Bow if you want me to. Multiple staff have asked about it and I have explained it. Y'all have a wonderful day I hope this gets resolved quickly.

  2. Fri Jul 1 00:05:13 2016
    A_Monkey joined the forum.