
Last active 4 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Mon Jul 31 15:54:36 2017


  2. Mon Jul 31 00:44:07 2017

    @SharpSerac we just have an affinity for making bk novices salty, we're just too damn good

    @SharpSerac i just want a little bit of a challenge next time we raid you, it gets kinda boring walking all over people like door mats

    @SharpSerac we never lose any sets because we're too good at pvp

    All very nice memes
    hehe xd

  3. Fri Jul 28 21:01:10 2017

    @2Chill Actually just for some clarification not that it really matters that much , as i didnt break or hit anyone , There was absolutely no one there when the picture was taken besides us or i wouldn't have been there , unless you were invis when i came and gave javonw a set out of the goodness of my heart cause cactusownage is a noob and blew him up accidentally literally like 30 secs after the photo was taken(Friendly Fire apparently ) , and i was there for a total of 5 seconds at which time i never saw anyone but people pictured in the photo , from my understanding the only person who ever really tryed to fight back was hustl , so props to hustl for that !.

    It was totally accidental..

  4. Thu Jul 13 10:52:46 2017
    CactusOwnage posted in Red Army: Reformation.

    Listen to this while reading.

    IGN: CactusOwnage

    Age: 17

    Strengths: Dabbing, Resistance to Earrapes, PvP

    Weaknesses: Building, listening to normal music

    Ticks on CraftyMynes: 1193637

    Reason for joining: Need a trustworthy faction where I can store all my valuable items. I also can also provide totally not earraping supporting music.

    Relations with other factions: None because I'm lonely.

    Time zone and when you are usually online: UTC +01:00, I'm online when I'm not hitting those dank dabs.

    Anything else: XXXTentacion makes great music.

    Gamertags/Psn: CactusOwnage

  5. Wed Jun 14 08:58:50 2017
    CactusOwnage posted in Graphics card.

    When you buy an GTX 1080, just be sure to not only play minecraft with it ;)

  6. Mon Jun 12 08:37:29 2017
    CactusOwnage posted in Graphics card.

    I don't think there are any graphics cards under $400 with close specs to an GTX 1080. One step lower from the GTX 1080 is the GTX 1070. Which still costs around $430 I believe.

  7. Thu Dec 29 20:48:00 2016
    CactusOwnage posted in Help me build a pc.

    @R4iscool1 This is a pretty solid rig for that range which would definitely run Minecraft to the max.
    You could spend a bit more and get a slightly better GPu if you want more power for AAA titles like the new watchdogs 2 on high.

    " rel="nofollow external">[/quote]
    Probaly can cheap out with 8GB of ram but otherwise a very solid pc. Also you can go for the AMD RX480 and bet for the future with DirectX 12 and Vulkan but this can be an expensive guess.

  8. Thu Dec 29 20:41:50 2016
    CactusOwnage posted in Favourite Game?.
    1. Overwatch
    2. Insurgency
    3. The Division
    4. GTA 5
    5. Tom Clany's Rainbow Six Siege
    6. Battlefield 1
  9. 8 years ago
    Fri Dec 9 17:50:22 2016
    CactusOwnage posted in Ban appeal 09.12.16.


    I know people have bad internet and that stuff. But how does that explain that you flew from a bit down the mountain all the way to the top of your house?

    This appeal has been denied. As cheating will result in a permanent ban.


  10. Thu Dec 8 17:01:58 2016
    CactusOwnage posted in Invisible Players.

    @TheBlizWiz I think I know what you are talking about. I've also had moments where players suddenly disappear and stay invisible for some time, but they are still there. This is most likely a bug in Minecraft because I haven't seen this issue in previous versions.

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